Anchor Point Halibut Fishing Charters

Fishing Halibut From Anchor Point
A large majority of our halibut and salmon charters begin in Anchor Point, Alaska. Our Anchor Point halibut fishing charters typically begin by meeting our guests at the beach and then launching off the beach towed by a tractor.
The advantage of a halibut fishing charter from this location is that it’s much closer to the Halibut fishing grounds than some other places. These are the exact same halibut grounds that the Homer halibut charters travel to target but our advantage is we are 10 to 15 miles closer. That means less travel time to get to the halibut fishing grounds less boat ride time for our fisherman.
Halibut Fishing out Anchor Point starts off on May 1st when the Halibut begin feeding closer to shore due to the migration of bait fish that move into Cook Inlet from the Gulf of Alaska at that time of year.
As the season progresses, the Halibut move further offshore as better feed becomes available further out. Our halibut fishing guides work hard to know where the halibut are and they will go the extra mile to get you there. Our goal is to take you to the best halibut fishing locations available and give you the best chance to catch great fish.
Launch on the Beach on Our Anchor Point Halibut Fishing Charters
King Salmon Fishing From Anchor Point
These “spawners” are larger and more mature than the “feeder kings” we catch at other times of year and they’re typically larger too. In fact, from where we fish out of Anchor Point, we are only a few miles from the mouth of the world famous Kenai River and some of the kings we intercept are large Kenai kings.
The fact that we are so to the Kenai River and were fishing on the same side of Cook Inlet as the Kenai, means we get a crack at intercepting these world class fish as they pass by on their traditional migration route. These fish smell the Kenai and migrate along the Anchor point area beaches not far off shore in route to their spawning grounds. That gives us a prime opportunity to catch a huge king.
Anchor Point halibut fishing charters are world class and can be very productive for both king salmon and halibut. The first run of king salmon starts around the last week of April and peaks around the 25th of May.
Our peak season for saltwater trolling for kings is usually May 10th to 25th. Halibut fishing remains good all summer.
These trips can be done either as a combo king salmon / halibut charter or just a king salmon or halibut charter alone. We always recommend our combo trips because they give you an opportunity to target both species!

Toll Free 800-478-9100
In Alaska 907-567-7345